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This study compares the international transmission of both nominal and real business cycle shocks from 1861 to 1913 in Scandinavia and the Southern European countries of Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Cointegration analysis and estimated vector autoregression for real GDP and inflation reveal the...
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"Images of Europe", the title of the workshop from which this Working Paper originated, refers to the multiplicity of representations that "Europe" has historically offered. Today we seem to suffer from a dearth of images of Europe, especially in the symbolic field. The essays which compose the...
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La demarche de cet article consistera a ne pas considerer la dette pour elle-meme, mais a l'inserer au contraire dans les liens institutionnels et sociaux president a sa definition et a son traitement.
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This paper analyses trade and capital flows relations and compare real GDP growth rates from 1865 to 1913 in Scandinavia and the Southern European countries of Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Cointegration analysis for trade and capital flows with respect to GDP reveal that there is a long-run...
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This paper presents the work of John Breuilly and Otto Dann in the field of nationalism. They both have elaborated theoretical accounts of nationalism that stress the political character and emplhasise its inherent modernity. The authors will draw some conclusions from the discussion betweem...
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Cet expose sera binaire: la premiere partie s'interessera aux sources et aux contextes socio-historiques et litteraires qui ont favorise la maturation de la tetralogie Torquemada; la deuxieme sera consacree a la lecture de cette serie romanesque sous le signe de l'usure.
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The essays of this volume were presented at a workshop held at the European University significance. At the discussion on that occasion, the role of gender had emerged as a central component in the production of historical work and the need was felt to continue the discussion. Therefore this...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the reasons for de Gaulle's framatic policy choices in 1958, which, if they marked a reversal of his earlier views on Europe, were to provide the key to understanding his subsequent policy towards West Germany, Britain and the EEC. r.
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Ce document se borne a offrir, pour la Galice de la fin de l'Ancien Regime (c. 1725- c.1820), quelques considerations -sans doute provisoires- sur l'univers du credit rural a partir de cas individuels de debiteurs et creanciers. Il sera prete une attention particuliere aux diverses strategies...
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Il y a, pense Nicolas Oresme, comme une fatalite de la guerre et de la violence. C'est elle qui justifie la division irreductible de l'espace politique en entites souveraines. Seule une royaute juste aux pouvoirs moderes, aux appetits mesures, peut y porter remede. Mais il convient aussi, pour...
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