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The values of the famous Subscription Shares issued by the South Sea Company in 1720 have to be split into two components before they can be understood. One component was a fractional claim upon one original share in the firm. The other component, however, was a bundle of share warrants. The...
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of arbitrage and credit limits within such a model. We show that the standard assumptions of a positive state prices and … potentially useful for modeling actual financial markets. These models have been dismissed in the past as allowing arbitrage, but …
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fulfils a minimal no-arbitrage condition for an economically viable financial market. Furthermore, we demonstrate that … illustrating and clarifying several points on asset price bubbles and the economics of arbitrage. …
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paper explains that pricing by classical no-arbitrage arguments is, in general, not unique and may lead to overpricing. In …
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An extension of the idea of state tameness is presented in a dynamic framework. The proposed model for financial markets is rich enough to provide analytical tools that are mostly obtained in models that arise as the solution of SDEs with deterministic coefficients. In the presented model the...
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The paper developes a general arbitrage free model for the term structure of interest rates. The principal model is … support is derived for the spot rate return. The model permits the arbitrage free valuation of bond options and interest rate …
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The extension of the Black-Scholes option pricing theory to the valuation of barrier options is reconsidered. Working in the binomial framework of CRR we show how various types of barrier options can be priced either by backward induction or by closed binomial formulas. We also consider...
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, portfolio constraints can lead to situations where not all arbitrage opportunities are necessarily eliminated in equilibrium …. For a world with portfolio constraints the concept of no arbitrage has to be replaced by a weaker concept which we call no … unlimited arbitrage. Second, though we can characterize prices which allow no unlimited arbitrage by the existence of certain …
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covered include: Bond markets, interest rates, arbitrage, martingale measures, completeness, short rate models, affine term …, minimization of arbitrage information. …
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different interest rates for borrowing and lending. In the unconstrained case, the classical theory provides a single arbitrage …_{\rm up}]$ of arbitrage-free prices, with endpoints characterized as $h_{\rm low} = \inf_{\nu\in{\cal D}} u_\nu, h_{\rm up …} = \sup_{\nu\in{\cal D}} u_\nu$. Here $u_\nu$ is the analogue of $u_0$, the arbitrage-free price with unconstrained portfolios …
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