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-Sampling approach (U-MIDAS) (see Foroni et al., 2015; Castle et al., 2009; Bec and Mogliani, 2013), and the LASSO-type penalised …
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We apply the novel approach of Siliverstovs (2015) to modelling data sampled at different frequencies in order to scrutinise the composition of one of the most influential economic indicators in Switzerland. The Purchasing Managers' Index consists of eight sub-indices out of which only five...
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the so-called Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS) approach that directly exploits the information content of monthly indicators to … smoothness priors in a distributed lag model, that weakens the restrictions the traditional MIDAS approach imposes on the data to …-nested specifications. It is found that the MIDAS approach is able to timely identify, from monthly information, important signals of the …
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In order to shed new light on the influence of volume and economic fundamentals on the long-run volatility of the Chinese stock market we follow the methodology introduced by Engle et al. (2009) and Engle and Rangel (2008) to account for the effects of macro fundamentals, and augment it with...
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We compare the value-at-risk (VaR) bounds obtained from several models fitted to simulated long memory conditional variance processes. We show that most VaR comparison tests and loss functions may lead to the choice of a misspecified model that produces incorrect risk conditional coverage. The...
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The volatility accuracy of several volatility forecast models is examined for the case of daily spot returns for the Mexican peso - US Dollar exchange rate. The models applied are univariate GARCH, a multi-variate GARCH (BEKK model), option implied volatilities, and a composite forecast model....
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There has been substantial research effort aimed to forecast futures price return volatilities of financial assets. A significant part of the literature shows that volatility forecast accuracy is not easy to estimate regardless of the forecasting model applied. This paper examines the volatility...
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Previous evidence in empirical finance indicates the potential usefulness of modeling time-variation particularly in the tails of speculative return distributions. Based on results from extreme value theory, the present paper proposes a fixed changepoint Pareto-type autoregressive conditional...
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The article investigates the use of adaptive learning algorithms in constructing dynamic portfolios replicating the return characteristics of a given hedge fund. The emphasis is on out of sample conditional predictive capabilites as necessary to serve as a valuable risk management tool, rather...
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We model the conditional distribution of high frequency financial returns by means of a two-component quantile regression model. Using three years of 30-minute returns, we show that the conditional distribution depends on past returns and on the time of the day. Two practical applications...
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