Showing 1 - 10 of 22
What challenges will Hungary face when it assumes the presidency in early 2011? Close cooperation will be required of the Presidential Trio when identifying presidential priorities. To garner both social and political support it is vital that, during Hungary’s EU presidency, one be...
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The paper analyses the impact of EU enlargement on the agricultural markets in the 10 New Member States (EU-N10). A high level of integration of markets of the EU-25 was achieved prior to enlargement. 65% of all agricultural exports of the EU-N10 and 69% of all imports went to EU-25 destinations...
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The paper analyses the impact of EU enlargement on the agricultural markets in the 10 New Member States (EU-N10). A high level of integration of markets of the EU-25 was achieved prior to enlargement. 65% of all agricultural exports of the EU-N10 and 69% of all imports went to EU-25 destinations...
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Limited land is available globally to grow crops for food and fuel. There are direct and indirect pressures on forests and other lands to be converted from growing food for feedstock to be used for biofuel production. The balance of evidence indicates there will probably be sufficient...
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Összefoglalóan megállapítható, hogy 2010-ben kedvező fejlemény a gazdálkodók jövedelemhelyzetének javulása, valamint a növekvő mezőgazdasági és élelmiszer-ipari külkereskedelmi mérleg. Ugyanakkor továbbra is aggodalomra ad okot a kivitel és behozatal termékszerkezetének...
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Hazánkban a válság miatt a keresleti oldalról növekedni képtelen piacon a kiskereskedelmi szereplők a kötelező éves növekedést immár csak a piac újraosztásával érhetik el, ami a kiskereskedők között kíméletlen – horizontális – versenyt eredményez. Ennek eszköze az...
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A dráguló olajár „felszínre hozta†a fosszilis energiahordozók környezetbarát energiahordozókkal való kiváltásának problémáját. Az olajkészletek korlátozottsága mellett a bizonytalan kitermelés és a folyamatosan növekvő árak a bioüzemanyagok felé irányítják...
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In recent years the Hungarian milk sector has had serious problems. Since the EU accession, domestic milk production has continuously declined, the balance of the foreign trade of milk and dairy products has deteriorated year after year and the degree of self-sufficiency has fallen below 100%....
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Since the seminal work of Adam Smith, markets have been considered an efficient tool for co-ordinating the behaviour of economic agents. The basic characteristic of a market economy is that the complex system of interaction among individuals is not centrally coordinated. Under the assumption of...
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This paper discusses Hungarian agriculture’s future perspectives up to the year 2013, which marks the end of the EU financial period 2007-2013. It presents results of the authors’ modelling work, and provides a brief analysis of quantitative changes in principal macro-indicators...
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