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The statistical properties of various measures of risk were investigated with a view to explaining the reasons for lack of use in finance of risk measures other than the variance, and to see if there is a sensible measure to use for cross-European comparisons. As examples, the semi-variance, the...
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Using an extensive range of macroeconomic indicators and a number of two-stage models mixing OLS and a non-parametric approach known as the nearest neighbour algorithm, the authors analyse the potential for improving forecasts of US industry returns over those built by OLS on industry-specific...
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Individuals, endowments and trusts face uncertain lifetimes. When the planning horizon of an entity is stochastic and Pareto distributed, hyperbolic discounting and time-varying consumption rates are optimal. We derive expressions for the optimal rate of consumption (draw-down) from wealth for...
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We determine optimal consumption paths under a series of returns scenarios for charitable endowments with distinct tastes over investment risk and inter-temporal substitution. Charities typically prefer smooth consumption paths but are investment-risk tolerant. Using a recursive, Kreps-Porteus...
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Much of the literature on the construction of mixed asset portfolios and the case for property as a risk diversifier rests on correlations measured over the whole of a given time series. Recent developments in finance, however, focuses on dependence in the tails of the distribution. Does...
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We derive a pricing formula for a European call option written on equity in a framework where returns and consumption covary with external happiness. Being a non-tradable variable, happiness is regarded as an extra variable in a parameterised version of state dependent utility. We derive an...
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