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Bu çalışma, finansal ve enformasyonel aksaklıkların bulunduğu yükselen ekonomilerde risk priminin toplam dalgalanmalar üzerindeki etkilerini küçük açık bir ekonomi modeli kullanarak araştırmaktadır. Ekonomideki aktörler arasındaki enformasyonel asimetrilerin ve üretim...
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This paper studies the long-run welfare effect of the extra volatility of country spread due to the possibility of sudden stops. Both analytical and numerical results show that sudden stops have weaker output impact when the small open economy is more open to trade. However, welfare consequences...
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This is the first paper in the literature to match key business cycle moments and long-run equity returns in a small open economy with production. These results are achieved by introducing three modications to a standard real business cycle model: (1) borrowing and lending costs are imposed to...
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It is now well known that the RBC models have enjoyed successful results in explaining the dynamics of the business cycle variables but fail to replicate similar interesting stylized facts while studying the behavior of asset prices. One line of progress for solving this shortcoming has been to...
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This paper studies the behaviour of asset prices in relation to consumption and other business cycle variables. While RBC models have been able to successfully explain the dynamics of macroeconomic variables, they fail to replicate similar interesting stylized facts when studying the behavior of...
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This paper uses a panel structural vector autoregressive (VAR) model to investigate the extent to which global financial conditions, i.e., a global risk-free interest rate and global financial risk, and country spreads contribute to macroeconomic fluctuations in emerging countries. The main...
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Can the structure of asset markets change the way monetary policy should be conducted? Following a linear-quadratic approach, the present paper addresses this question in a New Keynesian small open economy framework. Our results reveal that the configuration of asset markets significantly...
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We develop a small open economy model with capital, sticky prices, and a simple form of financial frictions. We compare welfare levels under three alternative rules: a domestic inflation-based Taylor rule, a CPI inflation-based Taylor rule, and an exchange rate peg. We show that the superiority...
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This paper analyzes the dynamics of risk premia, real exchange rates and portfolio movements in a two-country, two-good, two-bond model. We use an asymmetric set-up in the model, where one of the countries is emerging and the other one is developed and both countries issue bonds in domestic...
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The forward rate is often used as the market's prediction of the future spot exchange rate even though the hypothesis that the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate has been rejected in a large number of empirical studies using data for different countries and time...
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