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The main objective of this paper was to identify technical and sanitaryrequirements that could be qualified as export barriers for the Brazilian papaya and to quantify their effects on the volume exported to the United States of America. Themethodology consisted of both qualitative and...
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The objective of this work was to estimate and to analyze the elasticity ofsubstitution between Brazil, the USA and Argentina in the soybeans exports in theselected importers markets. This fact is important, considering that, it increases theintegration of the world economies, placing in...
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The objective of this work is to determine factors that explain the alterationof the participation of the Brazilian soybean agro-industry and industry in theinternational trade. Particularly, it intends to analyze the Brazilian competitiveness in the exports of each segment of the soybean...
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This paper discusses the evolution of agricultural products comparativeadvantages in the state of Paraná foreign trade from 1989-2001, and verifies thepredominant type of trade for those products. The methodology is based on calculation of indicators of Revealed Comparative Advantage (Balassa,...
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In this study, a world model for the international market of coffee is developedand analyzed, considering its major exporters (Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Africa, Central America and Asia) and its major importers (United States, Germany, Japan, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, United Kingdom,...
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This article aims at to verify the effects of the trade agreements implanted in the textile sector (Multi-fibre Agreement, Agreement on Textiles and Clothing andliberalization of the textile sector in the world trade) about the integration among theinternal and external prices of the cotton of...
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Pesticides play an important role in agriculture, prevent loses by pests whichdestroy cultures and causes several damages to producers and to exporting countries ofagriculture products. However, pesticides leave residues where they are used. A parameter used for residue quantification is known...
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Megállapítható, hogy a Balatonnál a kis- és közepes vállalkozások csak úgy képesek felvenni a versenyt a globalizáció következtében piacot hódító multina-cionális vállalatokkal, hogy üzlethálózatokba tömörülnek. A kis- és középvállal-kozásoknak kínálnak megoldást...
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A tanulmány bemutatja a hazai gabona keresletében bekövetkezett vertikális és horizontális átrendeződést és annak hatásait. A kérdőíves megkeresés és a mélyinterjúkból született válaszokat felhasználva, klaszteranalízis segítségével lehetővé vált a felvásárlói...
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Az Európai Unió bárányból, illetve gidából tartósan behozatalra szorul. A magyar juhhúsexport több mint 90%-a az olasz, a maradék döntő része pedig görög piacra irányul. A juhágazat árbevételének – 2-13 milliárd Ft – több mint 90%-a a báránykereskedelemből...
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