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The paper reports the result of empirical tests on the validity of Fleuriet's model, also known in Brazil as Advanced or Dynamic Working Capital Analysis. According to some authors, the model, which was introduced in Brazil in the 80's, brought important innovations to working capital analysis...
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In 1998, the German legislator obliged public limited companies to install a system to detect risks endangering corporate going concern at an early stage. Moreover, he required the auditor of annual financial statements to audit this risk monitoring system. This task is an international novelty...
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(VF)Cet article s’intéresse à l’investissement dans un actif intangible spécifique : la réputation. Son analyse pour les opérateurs sur les marchés financiers est particulièrement intéressante car elle met en exergue les arbitrages possibles entre des profits à court terme issus...
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This study examines whether the internal control provisions under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX) have a disciplining effect on the governance structures of firms. We find that audit committee members and outside directors of firms that disclose material weaknesses (MWs) under Section 302 of SOX...
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Lack of capital market development cause that calculating the value of companies in the small markets, such as the Croatian market, is carried out primarily from the analysis of financial statements. Lack of market development is evident from the unrealistic and unobjective corporate values, as...
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Cet article s’intéresse à l’influence des caractéristiques des dirigeants de 135 sociétés françaises cotées sur la performance économique à long terme. Plus précisément, il cherche à vérifier si les élites, c’est-à-dire les dirigeants issus de grandes écoles d’ingénieur...
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Face à la mutiplication de mesures de performance financière dénuées de cohérence et souvent de fondement théorique — situation jugée préjudiciable au bon fonctionnement des marchés financiers —, l’IASB et le FASB américain ont constitué en 2003 un groupe de travail ayant pour...
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(VF)Cet article s’appuie sur les travaux académiques des dix dernières années pour évaluer les effets de la réglementation française visant à accroître l’indépendance des auditeurs. Pour les sociétés cotées en bourse, l’obligation de recourir à deux auditeurs se solde...
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This paper examines alternative accrual accounting rules from an incentive and control perspective. For a range of common production, financing and investment decisions we consider alternative asset valuation rules. The criterion for distinguishing among these rules is that the corresponding...
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Most UK companies separate the roles of CEO and Chairman. The former runs the company, the latter runs the board and the two directors interact to a great extent. Using turnover data on 2180 separate chairmanships of the top 460 UK companies over the 1990-1998 period, I find that the Chairman is...
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