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The purpose of this paper is to introduce a stochastic volatility model for option pricing that exhibits Lévy jump behavior. For this model, we derive the general formula for a European call option. A well known particular case of this class of models is the Bates model, for which the jumps are...
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We derive a closed-form solution for the price of a European call option in the presence of ambiguity about the stochastic process that determines the variance of the underlying asset's return. The option pricing formula of Heston (1993) is a particular case of ours, corresponding to the case in...
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For a Markov process $x_t$, the forward measure $P^T$ over the time interval $[0,T]$ is defined by the Radon-Nikodym derivative $dP^T/dP = M\exp(-\int_0^Tc(x_s)ds)$, where $c$ is a given non-negative function and $M$ is the normalizing constant. In this paper, the law of $x_t$ under the forward...
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The characteristic functions of many affine jump-diffusion models, such as Heston’s stochastic volatility model and all of its extensions, involve multivalued functions such as the complex logarithm. If we restrict the logarithm to its principal branch, as is done in most software packages,...
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At the time of writing this article, Fourier inversion is the computational method of choice for a fast and accurate calculation of plain vanilla option prices in models with an analytically available characteristic function. Shifting the contour of integration along the complex plane allows for...
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This book provides an advanced treatment of option valuation. The general setting is that of 2D continuous-time models with stochastic volatility. Explicit equilibrium risk adjustments and many other new results are provided. Mathematica code for the more important formulas is included. For a...
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We propose a direct and robust method for quantifying the variance risk premium on financial assets. We theoretically and numerically show that the risk-neutral expected value of the return variance, also known as the variance swap rate, is well approximated by the value of a particular...
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We consider the hedging of options when the price of the underlying asset is always exposed to the possibility of jumps of random size. Working in a single factor Markovian setting, we derive a new spanning relation between a given option and a continuum of shorter-term options written on the...
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Option pricing model with non-constant volatility models are compared to stochastic volatility ones. The non-constant volatility models considered are the Dupire's local volatility and Hobson and Rogers path-dependent volatility models. These approaches have the theoretical advantage of...
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This paper proposes a new explanation for the smile and skewness effects in implied volatilities. Starting from a microeconomic equilibrium approach, we develop a diffusion model for stock prices explicitly incorporating the technical demand induced by hedging strategies. This leads to a...
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