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We investigate whether experimental participants follow their private information and contradict herds in situations where it is empirically optimal to do so. We consider two sequences of players, an observed and an unobserved sequence. Observed players sequentially predict which of two options...
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We investigate whether experimental participants follow their private information and contradict herds in situations where it is empirically optimal to do so. We consider two sequences of players, an observed and an unobserved sequence. Observed players sequentially predict which of two options...
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The payoff of actions is estimated and the resulting empirical payoff is controlled for in regression analyses to formulate a test of rational expectations in information cascade experiments. We show that the empirical payoff of actions is a function of estimates of choice probabilities and...
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A panel session was organised at the 5th "Dijon" Post-Keynesian Conference (Roskilde University - 13th-14th May 2011) in order to confront three recent interpretations of Keynes's principle of effective demand: that of Hartwig (2007), Hayes (2007) and Allain (2009). Allain's comments on Hartwig...
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Comment faire en sorte que les usines se maintiennent dans la durée ? Telle est la question de cet ouvrage à laquelle il est répondu par une quinzaine d'années d'enquêtes menées par un réseau international en France, Mexique, Argentine et Chine.
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La notion de chômage involontaire a longtemps occupé dans la théorie économique un rôle central. L'expression apparaît très tôt, dès le début du 20ème siècle, quand les économistes commencèrent à s'intéresser au chômage. Elle désigne simplement les chômeurs qui accepteraient...
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This is a review on the book by Bezalel Peleg and Hans Peters: Strategic Social Choice. Stable Representations of Constitutions.
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This paper examines the influence of political ideology on economic growth in the French democracy since 1871. It does so by addressing three main issues : the property and the reliability of a political ideology index in the long-run, the robustness of the relationship between ideology and...
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This paper aims to contribute to the literature on Critical Management Education (CME) by drawing on the work of philosopher, Jacques Rancière, whose thinking provides a means of resolving the dilemma underlying CME. It raises fundamental questions regarding the position of authority and the...
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