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The Hahn–Banach Theorem plays a crucial role in the second fundamental theorem of welfare economics. To date, all mathematical economics and advanced general equilibrium textbooks concentrate on using non-constructive or incomputable versions of this celebrated theorem. In this paper we argue...
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Double auctions with profit-motivated human traders as well as quot;zero-intelligencequot; programmed traders have previously been shown to converge to Pareto optimal allocations in partial equilibrium settings. We show that these results remain robust in two-good general equilibrium settings...
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We consider a pure exchange economy repeated for an indefinite number of periods from a fixed endowment and posit a learning rule which directs convergence to competitive equilibrium. In each period trade converges to an allocation in the contract set, where agents interpret the current (common)...
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The paper discusses three general classes of nonlinear programming models. Our objective is to show how to represent optimization problem, such as nonlinear programs, in a compact format using extended mathematical programming. This is a useful tool, especially in cases when complementarity...
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The formation of the European Union (EU) is the one of the biggest political – economic events of the last 50 years. The aim of this study is to develop EU economy functioning system dynamic model. Main research method is system dynamics. General scheme of EU economy system dynamic model is...
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Celem artykułu jest próba systematyzacji ekonomicznych skutków eksploatacji gazu łupkowego, a także omówienie różnorodnych podejść metodycznych i narzędzi stosowanych w analizach dotyczących tego zagadnienia. Podstawą analizy jest przegląd literatury przedmiotu, dokonywany pod...
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A new methodology for calibrating parameters when working with intractable, dynamic structural models is developed. A straight-forward extension also allows for formal estimation and hypothesis testing in a Generalized Method of Moment framework. The method is based on multigrid techniques used...
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Using an urban land use model in which jobs and residences are spatially dispersed and mixed, we treat the general equilibrium of land, labor and product markets and the trade-off between labor supply, commuting and discretionary travel. We show that the decentralization of population and of...
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This paper advocates computable general equilibrium (CGE) models as an analytical framework that is suitable for assessing the impacts of policy interference on the three dimensions of Sustainable Development, i.e. environmental quality, economic performance and equity. Methodological extensions...
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The article presents an analysis of welfare effects in Slovenia, an analysis of macroeconomic effects of the Slovenian pension reform and an analysis of effects of the pension fund deficit on sustainability of Slovenian public finances with a dynamic OLG general equilibrium model. Stress was...
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