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Despite the extensive research in the field of housing economics, the role of some ‘fundamental’ economic variables, such as income, interest rates or stock of houses per capita, on the real price of housing is still not fully understood. In this paper we develop a dynamic general...
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This working paper, based on an empirical analysis, discusses factors affecting property prices and tries to identify periods of property price overvaluation by three approaches: using simple ratios related to house prices (price-to-income and price-to-rent), using time series analysis for the...
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In this paper I estimate the spatial diffusion of housing prices across U.S. states over a period from 1975 to 2011, showing how long and to what magnitude state-level housing prices are affected by a price shock emanating from surrounding states. I capture the spatial diffusion of regional...
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Spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence are two well established aspects of house price developments. However, the analysis of differences in spatial dependence across time and space has not gained much attention yet. In this paper we jointly analyze these three aspects of spatial data. We...
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Is there a local economic impact of immigration? Immigration pushes up rents and housing values in US destination cities. The positive association of rent growth and immigrant inflows is pervasive in time series for all metropolitan areas. I use instrumental variables based on a "shift-share" of...
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We examine the time-series relationship between housing prices in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. First, temporal Granger causality tests reveal that Los Angeles housing prices cause housing prices in Las Vegas (directly) and Phoenix (indirectly). In addition, Las Vegas housing prices cause...
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This paper analyses the development of housing market imbalances, housing prices and residential investment in Switzerland within a stock-flow framework. In the long run, the desired level of residential capital stock and the existing residential capital stock revert. Empirical results indicate,...
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What impact does immigration have on neighborhood dynamics? Within metropolitan areas, we find that housing values have grown relatively more slowly in neighborhoods of immigrant settlement. We propose three nonexclusive explanations: changes in housing quality, reverse causality, or the...
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This study provides a broad overview of the private housing market in central and eastern Europe and some of the CIS – its history, current conditions and implications for the overall economy. It highlights regional differences, describes the different policy choices that have been made, and...
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In this article we focus on factors affecting property prices in the Czech regions. We apply an empirical analysis to identify periods of property price overvaluation by three alternative approaches: using ratios related to house prices (price-to-income and price-to-rent), using simple analysis...
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