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The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that young people living in large Polish cities are distrustful of sharing different goods with strangers, and therefore, they are much more likely to benefit from collaborative consumption when they know the people with whom they make the...
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Celem artyku³u jest wykazanie, na podstawie materia³u faktograficznego, ¿e motywacja jest postrzegana przez studentów jako determinant u³atwiaj¹cy rozpoczêcie kariery zawodowej i dalsze powodzenie na rynku pracy. Struktura artyku³u jest nastêpuj¹ca: po omówieniu metodologii i...
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Autorzy poruszaj¹ problem trendów w konsumpcji na rynku ksi¹¿ek elektronicznych. Kluczowym ich celem jest poznanie polskiego rynku e-booków. Nale¿y w tym miejscu wspomnieæ, ¿e jest to rynek dopiero rozwijaj¹cy siê w naszym kraju, dlatego te¿ niezwykle istotne jest przeanalizowanie...
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The crisis began in the United States in the final years of the first decade of the twenty-first century arrived to Poland in 2009 and became visible as well. The consequences of the crisis have the form of both micro (decrease in consumption, adaptive behavior of consumers) and macroeconomic...
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The article deals with the issue, quite important one for the economy, of savings kept by households that face the unemployment-related problems in the Mazovia region of Poland, following the country’s accession to the EU. It discusses crucial macroeconomic theories concerning the problem of...
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The article deals with the issue, quite important one for the economy, of savings kept by households that face the unemployment-related problems in the Mazovia region of Poland, following the country’s accession to the EU. It discusses crucial macroeconomic theories concerning the problem of...
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The issue of rationality of consumption and consumer behavior becomes more and more relevant in today’s economy. The objective of this article is to analyze the rationality of consumer behaviors in the market from the point of view of various economic schools, using classical methods as well...
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The crisis began in the United States in the final years of the first decade of the twenty-first century arrived to Poland in 2009 and became visible as well. The consequences of the crisis have the form of both micro (decrease in consumption, adaptive behavior of consumers) and macroeconomic...
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The global economic crisis has clearly affected the economies of all countries. Regarding the social sphere, its impacts include growing unemployment, decreasing household incomes, changes in the consumption structure and lifestyles, serious states of anxiety and depression induced in people by...
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The issue of rationality of consumption and consumer behavior becomes more and more relevant in today’s economy. The objective of this article is to analyze the rationality of consumer behaviors in the market from the point of view of various economic schools, using classical methods as well...
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