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A realistic ARCH process is set up so as to duplicate, for all practical purposes, the properties of stock time series from 1 day to 1 year. The process includes heteroskedasticity with long memory, leverage, fat-tail innovations, relative return, price granularity, and holidays. Its adequacy to...
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The behavior of the implied volatility surface for European options was analysed in detail by Zumbach and Fernandez for prices computed with a new option pricing scheme based on the construction of the risk-neutral measure for realistic processes with a finite time increment. The resulting...
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The role of the Spanish scientific community in the initial assessment of the environmental and socioeconomic damages caused by the Prestige oil spill is analysed. A discussion of the reasons for the failures in the response of the scientific community is presented, highlighting that despite the...
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By means of multi-temporal analysis of satellite images and statistical algorithms, the amount of pyroclastic material deposited on Lascar volcano walls after the gravitational collapse of the eruptive column caused by the eruption that occurred on April the 19th and the 20th in 1993 was...
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Estimates of daily volatility are investigated. Realized volatility can be computed from returns observed over time intervals of different sizes. For simple statistical reasons, volatility estimators based on high-frequency returns have been proposed, but such estimators are found to be strongly...
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This paper investigates the scaling dependencies between measures of "activity" and of "size" for companies included in the FTSE 100. The "size" of companies is measured by the total market capitalization. The "activity" is measured with several quantities related to trades (transaction value...
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This is a short review in honor of B. Mandelbrot's 80st birthday, to appear in W ilmott magazine. We discuss how multiplicative cascades and related multifractal ideas might be relevant to model the main statistical features of financial time series, in particular the intermittent, long-memory...
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Time reversal invariance can be summarized as follows: no difference can be measured if a sequence of events is run forward or backward in time. Because price time series are dominated by a randomness that hides possible structures and orders, the existence of time reversal invariance requires...
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The influence of the past price behaviour on the realized volatility is investigated in the present article. The results show that trending (drifting) prices lead to increased (decreased) realized volatility. This ``volatility induced by trend'' constitutes a new stylized fact. The past price...
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