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The debate over government-provided insurance for Americans frequently makes two assumptions: that the uninsured are unsatisfied with the health care they receive and that government health insurance would improve the quality of care for the uninsured. This paper finds that the vast majority of...
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Does medical insurance affect health care demand and in the end contribute to improvements in the health status? Evidence for China for the year 2004, by means of the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), shows that health insurance does not affect health care demand in a significant manner....
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Public hospitals have been important providers of health care for Medicaid enrollees and the uninsured. In this paper, public hospitals are modeled as a public subsidy to health care providers for providing care to the uninsured. However, a possible cost of this type of provision is that by...
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This Article argues that our growing powers of genetic testing to identify individual health risks threaten to unravel the moral logic of health insurance. Some people are blessed with healthy genes and environments, while others are cursed with ill health. Spreading among groups the unknown...
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Az átalakuló egészségbiztosítás működését évek óta egyre feszítőbb pénzügyi korlátok határozzák meg. A nehéz pénzügyi helyzet mellett a gyógyszerártámogatási rendszer - amely az egészségbiztosítás egyik legfontosabb tevékenységi köre - működtetése során...
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Patient mobility is a key issue in the EU who recently passed a new law on patients’ right to EU-wide provider choice. In this paper we use a Hotelling model with two regions that differ in technology to study the impact of patient mobility on health care quality, health care financing and...
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We study the Medicare Part D prescription drug insurance program as a bellwether for designs of private, non-mandatory health insurance markets, focusing on the ability of consumers to evaluate and optimize their choices of plans. Our analysis of administrative data on medical claims in Medicare...
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First-year insurer participation in the Health Insurance Marketplaces (HIMs) established by the Affordable Care Act is limited in many areas of the country. There are 3.9 participants, on (population-weighted) average, in the 395 ratings areas spanning the 34 states with federally facilitated...
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We consider a setting of dual practice, where a physician offers free public treatment and, if allowed, a private treatment for which patients have to pay out of pocket. Private treatment is superior in terms of health outcomes but more costly and time intensive. For the latter reason it...
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Dopo il rilascio dell'Autorizzazione all'Immissione in Commercio, un farmaco "H", prima di divenire concretamente disponibile in ospedale, deve completare una trafila che può differire da Regione a Regione, e addirittura, all'interno di una stessa Regione, da ASL ad ASL o da ospedale ad...
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