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Soccer clubs listed on the London Stock Exchange provide a unique way of testing stock price reactions to different types of news. For each firm, two pieces of information are released on a weekly basis: experts’ expectations about game outcomes through the betting odds, and the game outcomes...
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In this paper, we advocate the search frequency of stock name in Baidu Index as a novel and direct proxy for investor attention. Firstly, empirical results show that the quantified investor attention is a desired explanatory variable for abnormal return even trading volume is considered....
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Asset prices and returns are known to vary significantly more than output or aggregate consumption growth, and an order of magnitude in excess of what is justified by innovations to fundamentals. We study excess price volatility in a lifecycle economy with two assets (claims on capital and a...
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This paper derives and tests an ICAPM based on a conditional version of the two-beta ICAPM (bad beta, good beta, BBGB) from Campbell and Vuolteenaho (2004). The novel factor is a scaled cash-flow factor that results from the interaction between cash-flow news and a lagged state variable (market...
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This study sheds new light on the question of whether or not sentiment surveys, and the expectations derived from them, are relevant to forecasting economic growth and stock returns, and whether they contain information that is orthogonal to macroeconomic and financial data. I examine 16...
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This study sheds new light on the question of whether or not sentiment surveys, and the expectations derived from them, are relevant to forecasting economic growth and stock returns, and whether they contain information that is orthogonal to macroeconomic and financial data. I examine 16...
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Asset prices and returns are known to vary significantly more than output or aggregate consumption growth, and an order of magnitude in excess of what is justified by innovations to fundamentals. We study excess price volatility in a lifecycle economy with two assets (claims on capital and a...
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We estimate an empirical model of consumption disasters using new data on consumption for 24 countries over more than 100 years, and study its implications for asset prices. The model allows for partial recoveries after disasters that unfold over multiple years. We find that roughly half of the...
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Beaudry and Portier (2006) propose an identification scheme to study the effects of news shocks about future productivity in vector error correction models (VECMs). This comment shows that, when applied to their VECMs with more than two variables, the identification scheme does not have a unique...
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Este artículo presenta una revisión de la relación entre la prima por riesgo ex post del mercado accionario y los ciclos económicos observados en Colombia recurriendo a la metodología Hodrick-Prescott. Con información trimestral desde el cuarto trimestre de 2001 al tercer trimestre de...
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