Showing 1 - 10 of 22
Using Kansas Farm data from 1973 to 1998, curvature restrictions are imposed on a translog cost function. Using uninformative priors with indicator functions representing distribution and inequality constraints, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation method is used to estimate parameters and...
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This study examines the J-curve phenomenon for the U.S. agricultural trade and compares the effect on agricultural trade relative to the U.S. non-agricultural trade. For this purpose, the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model is adopted to estimate bilateral trade data between the U.S. and...
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We analyzed the effects of Brazil and Argentinas currency devaluation on the U.S. soybean import demand in major importing countries. Results indicate that nominal exchange rates between the United States and importers affect the U.S. soybean export market. Additionally, we found evidence that...
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This study examines the J-curve phenomenon for the U.S. agricultural trade and compares the effect on agricultural trade relative to U.S. non-agricultural trade. For this purpose, the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model is adopted to estimate bilateral trade data between the United...
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The recent controversy over the granting of patenting rights to three new strains of Basmati rice by the US Patent and Trademark Office is used as a case study to analyze the impact of incomplete protection of intellectual property. Results suggest that there is evidence that the introduction of...
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Restaurant managers in Kansas were surveyed to investigate attitudes toward food irradiation and willingness to buy and serve irradiated hamburger patties. Results indicate that 54% of restaurants are willing to purchase irradiated ground beef. Median willingness-to-pay for irradiation for...
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This paper looked at the on the ongoing debate on the use of public export credit programs and their impact on US exports. Our results indicate that cost saving is significant beneficial to the importing countries as a result of the export credit programs. There is also an increase in US exports...
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We analyzed the effects of Brazil and Argentina's currency devaluation on the U.S. soybean import demand in major importing countries. Results indicate that nominal exchange rates between the United States and importers affect the U.S. soybean export market. Additionally, we found evidence that...
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A normalized Quadratic Cost function is estimated using data from 1998-2003 to analyze the cost structure of North Dakota farms. Results indicate that there is overall evidence of increasing returns to scale. However, we do not find differences in efficiency across the different farm sizes....
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