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A player's knowledge of her own actions and the corresponding own payoffs may enable her to infer or form belief about what the payoffs would have been if she had played differently. In studies of low-information game settings, however, players' ex-post inferences and beliefs have been largely...
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This paper studies the effects of increasing the number of sellers on Quantal Response Equilibrium (QRE) prices in homogeneous product Bertrand oligopoly markets. We show that the two most commonly used choice functions (power and logistic) lead to qualitatively different comparative-static...
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Learning in real life is based on different processes. Humans learn to a certain extent from their own experience but also learn by observing what non directly related others have done. In this paper we propose a generalized payoff assessment learning (GPAL) model which enables us to evaluate...
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This paper develops a quantal-response adaptive learning model which combines sellers' bounded rationality with adaptive belief learning in order to explain price dispersion and dynamics in laboratory Bertrand markets with perfect information. In the model, sellers hold beliefs about their...
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With the constant increase of international capital enterprises in China's economic life -especially the occurrence of some international capital enterprises liability accident - the social responsibility of foreign capital enterprises has become a hot issue. For one element of corporate social...
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This paper proposes a quantal response learning model to explain sellers' pricing and learning behaviour observed in a laboratory Bertrand market experiment. In the model, sellers hold beliefs about their opponents' strategies and play quantal best responses to these beliefs. After each round,...
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This paper investigates multi-item moral hazard with auditing contests. Although the presented model is widely applicable, we choose tax evasion as an exemplary application. We introduce a tax-evasion model where tax authority and taxpayer invest in detection and concealment. The taxpayers have...
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We use a limited information environment to mimic the state of confusion in an experimental, repeated public goods game. The results show that reinforcement learning leads to dynamics similar to those observed in standard public goods games. However, closer inspection shows that individual decay...
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We use a limited information environment to mimic the state of confusion in an experimental, repeated public goods game. The results show that reinforcement learning leads to dynamics similar to those observed in standard public goods games. However, closer inspection shows that individual decay...
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This article re-examines the decision of individual income tax evasion in the simple framework introduced by Allingham and Sandmo (1972), where the individual taxpayer decides how much of his income is invested in a safe asset (reported income) and in a risky asset (concealed income). These...
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