Showing 1 - 10 of 126
The Experiment mimics carbon emissions trade among twelve industrialized countries during the end of a five-year-long trading period when traders are likely to have nearly full information about the underlying net demand. Trade is assumed to be governed by so-called double-auction rules. The...
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This article considers the evidence for threshold effects in the relationship between electricity and emission permit prices in France and Germany during the second phase of the EU ETS. Specifically, we compare linear and nonlinear threshold models of electricity prices using Hansen's (2000)...
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In this study, a full-infinite interval-stochastic mixed-integer programming (FIMP) method is developed for planning carbon emission trading (CET) under dual uncertainties. FIMP has advantages in uncertainty reflection and policy analysis, particularly when the input parameters are provided as...
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In order to comply with their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, France and Germany participate to the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) which concerns predominantly electricity generation sectors. In this paper we seek to know if the EU ETS gives appropriate economic incentives...
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This paper addresses the economic impact of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) for carbon on wholesale electricity prices in France and Germany during the Kyoto commitment period (2008-2012). Specifically, we use first identify a structural break occurred on the carbon spot...
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This article considers the evidence for threshold effects in the relationship between electricity and emission permit prices in France and Germany during the second phase of the EU ETS. Specifically, we compare linear and nonlinear threshold models of electricity prices using Hansen's (2000)...
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Geologic sequestration has been considered as an effective and critical means for significant reductions of CO2 amounts to the atmosphere among various mitigation approaches. A carbon capture and storage (CCS) management system must be a complex system to accommodate the relevant social,...
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In this paper we empirically investigate potential determinants of allowance (EUA) price dynamics in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) during Phase II. In contrast to previous papers, we analyze a significantly longer time series, place particular emphasis on the importance of...
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Numerous studies have investigated the dynamic interrelationship between carbon emission trading market and energy markets. Previous studies focused on the European Union emissions trading scheme (EU-ETS) ascertain that carbon market and energy markets are closely attached, and find that...
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We study the short-term price behavior of Phase 2 EU emission allowances. We model returns and volatility dynamics, and we demonstrate that a standard ARMAX-GARCH framework is inadequate for this modeling and that the gaussianity assumption is rejected due to a number of outliers. To improve the...
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