Showing 1 - 10 of 138
We propose a flexible nonparametric density estimator for panel data. One possible areas of application is estimation of crop yield distributions whose data tend to be short panels from many geographical units. Taking into account the panel structure of the data can likely improve the efficiency...
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This paper extends the partially linear varying coefficient model to contain time trend and nonstationary variables as regressors. We use the profile likelihood method to estimate both time trend coefficient in the linear component and the functional coefficients in the nonlinear component and...
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We present an Exponential Series Estimator (ESE) for multivariate densities. The ESE has an appealing information-theoretic interpretation and ensures positive density estimates. We show that if the logarithm of a density p(x) defined on a bounded support has r continuously differentiable...
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We estimate China's rural, urban and overall income distributions using grouped data from 1985-2001. We show how the distributions evolve as well as examine trends in welfare indices. We find the growing rural-urban income gap and increases in inequality within either sector have been equally...
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We present an Exponential Series Estimator (ESE) of multivariate densities, which has an appealing information-theoretic interpretation. For a d dimensional random variable with density p0, the ESE takes the form , where are some real-valued, linearly independent functions defined on the support...
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We examine the effects of information on consumer bidding behavior using a uniform-price auction with four units supply for golden rice. Our findings show that mean willingness to pay (WTP) bids are highest under positive information, followed by no information, negative information, and...
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Self protection and altruism are crucial behavioral factors in determining the effectiveness of public policies aimed to improve human health from environmental hazards. This paper examined people’s arsenic mortality risk perception in the drinking water for themselves and their children using...
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This paper examines the role that climate change might be playing in the declining returns to agricultural research. For this purpose, we estimate a cross-section time-series model of agricultural total factor productivity for the U.S. states over the period 1970–1999, with the inclusion of...
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The minimum wage, unlike most government transfer programs, lowered welfare in the 1980s and 1990s as measured by all commonly used welfare or inequality measures, including various Atkinson indexes, the Gini index, standard deviation of logarithms, and others. The effects of most government...
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