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We develop a dynamic model of order submission strategies in an order-driven market, where traders differ in their share valuations. Our model shows that several factors influence the uninformed trader¡¦s choice of order to submit: the market price, the expected asset value, the probability of...
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The unmediated call auction is a useful trading mechanism to aggregate dispersed information. Its ability to … simple call auction game where both auction prices and limit prices of uninformed traders re?ect potential insider … information. The predictions of the model are tested in the laboratory. While an insider improves the call auction outcomes in …
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large, each trader’s price impact subsides, and so does manipulation in equilibrium. However, the impact of manipulation on … increased number of manipulative actions introduces enough noise to exacerbate the impact of manipulation on learning. …
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in the form of partition prior to the auction. Under a symmetric setting, we show in a close-form result that more …
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This paper studies an auction model in which one of the bidders, the insider, has better information about a common … also show that the insider can protect the value of her private information by hiding her presence in the auction to the … outsiders. Finally, we analyze the implications of information revelation on the efficiency of the auction and on the auctioneer …
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There has been a growing interest among policy makers on the use of information disclosure policies for pollution control. This paper theoretically assesses the consequences of information disclosure policies and identifies the conditions under which such policies are likely to bring...
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Governments around the world are beginning to embrace a new form of environmental regulation – mandatory disclosure of information. While information disclosure programs appear to have an impact on subsequent firm behavior – often resulting in lower levels of pollution – little is known...
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This paper examines incentives for information disclosure in a oligopolistic market when buyers are unsure of the existence of that information. Previous empirical and theoretical work has shown that mandatory disclosure laws can be binding when buyers do not know whether the information exists....
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This paper develops a framework for the analysis of how asymmetric information impacts on adverse selection and market efficiency.  We adopt Akerlof's (1970) unit-demand model extended to a setting with multidimensional public and private information.  Adverse selection and efficiency are...
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We find that a substantial portion of short sellers' trading advantage comes from their ability to analyze publicly available information. Using a database of short sales combined with a database of news releases, we show that the well-documented negative relation between short sales and future...
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