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Today, per capita income differences around the globe are large – varying by as much as a factor of 35 across countries (Hall and Jones 1999). These differentials mostly reflect the "Great Divergence" (Sam Huntingon) – the fact that Western Europe and former European colonies grew rapidly...
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Europeans restricted their fertility long before other parts of the world did so. By raising the marriage age of women, and ensuring that a substantial proportion remained celibate, the "European Marriage Pattern" (EMP) reduced childbirths by up to 40%. We analyze the rise of this first...
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China is well-placed to avoid the so-called “middle-income trap” and to continue to converge towards the more advanced economies, even though growth is likely to slow from near double-digit rates in the first decade of this millennium to around 7% at the 2020 horizon. However, in order to...
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Why did England industrialize first? And why was Europe ahead of the rest of the world? Unified growth theory in the tradition of Galor-Weil (2000) and Galor-Moav (2002) captures the key features of the transition from stagnation to growth over time. Yet we know remarkably little about why...
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How did Europe overtake China? We construct a simple Malthusian model with two sectors, and use it to explain how European per capita incomes and urbanization rates surged ahead of Chinese ones. Productivity growth can only explain a small fraction of rising living standards. Population dynamics...
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Ergebnisse in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Japan, Spanien und den USA. Insbesondere die Konsequenzen für … Deutschland. Neben dem Verarbeitenden Gewerbe insgesamt wurden die Branchen Chemische Industrie, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik und …
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Anfang August hat das ifo Institut seine letzte Konjunkturprognose veröffentlicht. In der zweiten Oktoberhälfte legen die sechs an der Gemeinschaftsdiagnose beteiligten Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute die nächste Schätzung vor. Da häufig die Frage gestellt wird, wie derartige Prognosen...
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