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In this paper we develop a novel market model where asset variances-covariances evolve stochastically. In addition shocks on asset return dynamics are assumed to be linearly correlated with shocks driving the variance-covariance matrix.Analytical tractability is preserved since the model is...
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In this paper we introduce a new criterion in order to measure the variance and covariance risks in financial markets. Unlike past literature, we quantify the (co)variance risk by comparing the spread between the initial wealths required to obtain the same final utility in an incomplete and...
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In this paper, we present and discuss the estimation of the Wishart Affine Stochastic Correlation (WASC) model introduced in Da Fonseca et al. (2006) under the historical measure. We review the main estimation possibilities for this continuous time process and provide elements to show that the...
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In this paper, we analyse the Affine Term Structure Model (ATSM) proposed by Balduzzi, Das, Foresi and Sundaram (BDFS, 1996) and provide the closed-form expression of the bond price. In addition, we extend the notion of Impulse Response Function to the class of ATSM. We show that it is closely...
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In this paper, we quantify the impact on the representative agent's welfare of the presence of derivative products spanning covariance risk. In an asset allocation framework with stochastic (co)variances, we allow the agent to invest not only in the stocks but also in the associated variance...
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In this article we formulate and solve the optimal design problem of a defined contribution public pension fund, in a highly stylized but still rather general non-stationary framework. We adopt the viewpoint of a benevolent social planner who aims at treating in a fair manner the successive...
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We model the volatility of a single risky asset using a multifactor (matrix) Wishart affine process, recently introduced in finance by Gourieroux and Sufana. As in standard Duffie and Kan affine models the pricing problem can be solved through the Fast Fourier Transform of Carr and Madan. A...
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