Showing 1 - 10 of 21
This paper describes the admissible classes of parametric distribution functions of return portfolios and analyzes their consistency with the maximization of the expected utility. In particular, we present a general theory and a unifying framework with the following aims: (1) studying the...
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This paper theoretically and empirically investigates the connection between portfolio theory and ordering theory. In particular, we examine three different portfolio problems and the respective orderings used to rank investors' choices: (1) risk orderings, (2) variability orderings, and (3)...
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This paper proposes an ex post comparison of portfolio selection strategies. These strategies are applied to a set of assets, preselected among about 10,000 stocks on the global market. The preselection criteria consider the joint Markovian behavior of the returns and their association with the...
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We describe an optimization model to evaluate the portfolio performance in the option’s market. Hedgers, managers and investors, in agreement with Markovitz’s theory, aimed at creating a portfolio made up by assets with negative correlation, so as to have a portfolio not linked to the...
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The aim of this paper is to discuss the no-arbitrage condition in option implied trees based on forward induction and to propose a no-arbitrage test that rules out the negative probabilities problem and hence enhances the pricing performance. The no-arbitrage condition takes into account two...
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