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This paper examines the relationship between financial development, CO2 emissions, trade and economic growth using simultaneous-equation panel data models for a panel of 12 MENA countries over the period 1990–2011. Our results indicate that there is evidence of bidirectional causality between...
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This paper examines the implications of financial development for commercial bank savings mobilisation and economic performance in Ghana since the pursuit of financial reforms programme in September 1987. To achieve this objective a Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) model on quarterly time...
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We examine the impacts of energy price shocks on U.S. agricultural productivity growth and commodity prices' volatility by developing a structural VAR model. We use historical annual data of real U.S. gasoline prices, agricultural total factor productivity (TFP), real GDP, real agricultural...
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This study aims to investigate the effects of foreign direct investment and economic growth on CO2 emission. The panel data for the period of 1992 to 2012 from 15 developing countries were collected. The Johansen co-integration was conducted and the results show that there is co- integrated...
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This paper investigates the effects of trade openness on the level of investment and the rate of economic growth in Kenya using annual time series data. The aggregate trade openness and trade-policy induced openness are evaluated. Controlling for a number of factors, aggregate trade openness is...
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This paper studies the relationship between trade openness and output growth for a sample of twenty-three Asian countries using both a static OLS and a dynamic ECM estimation models. At the country specific level, the findings of this study provide robust empirical evidence indicating that...
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This document provides empirical evidence about the role of the financial system on the growth of developing economies. In order to prove that relationship a panel data regression using a sample of 26 developing economies for the period 1961- 2005 is estimated. Instrumental variables methodology...
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This work estimates the impact of Private Credit to the private sector and Liquid Liabilities (as measures of financial development) on economic growth, capital growth and productivity growth for different regions. Estimations are conducted with a panel database of 78 countries and 35 years...
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This paper examines the impacts of banking market structure and regulation on economic growth using new data on banking market concentration and manufacturing industry-level growth rates for U.S. states during 1899–1929—a period when the manufacturing sector was expanding rapidly and...
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This study examines the linkages among economic growth, energy consumption, financial development, trade openness and CO2 emissions over the period of 1975Q1-2011Q4 in the case of Indonesia. The stationary analysis is performed by using Zivot-Andrews structural break unit root test and the ARDL...
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