Showing 1 - 10 of 155
Because of its enormous land and yield potentials, the breadbasket of the East, i.e. Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are increasingly important for world grain markets. However, counterproductive market and trade policies, continual farm-level productivity gaps and deficits in marketing...
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Der Kornkammer des Ostens, namentlich Russland, der Ukraine und Kasachstan, wird aufgrund riesiger Flächen- und Ertragspotenziale eine zunehmende Bedeutung für die Weltgetreidemärkte zugesprochen. Allerdings blockieren widersinnige Markt- und Handelspolitiken, anhaltende betriebliche...
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Viele Länder haben ihre Exporte während der jüngsten Preisspitzen auf den Weltagrarmärkten beschränkt, um die inländischen Agrarpreise von den Preisentwicklungen auf den internationalen Märkten abzukoppeln. Letztlich sollte damit dem Anstieg der Nahrungsmittelpreisinflation entgegen...
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Substantial danger exists that politically prescribed market interventions, designed to counter a supposed failure of the markets, will leave markets functioning worse rather than better. This is particularly true of Eastern European transition countries, where institutional regulations function...
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Many countries restricted their exports to world agricultural markets during the most recent price peaks in order to insulate their domestic agricultural prices from price developments in international markets. Their ultimate aim was countering the rise in food price inflation and protecting...
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Es besteht eine erhebliche Gefahr, dass politisch verordnete Markteingriffe, die einem vermeintlichen Versagen der Märkte entgegenwirken sollen, Agrarmärkte nicht besser sondern schlechter funktionieren lassen. Dies gilt einmal mehr für osteuropäische Transformationsländer mit einem...
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Житнице Востока, а именно России, Украине и Казахстану, обладающим громадным земельным и урожайным потенциалом, приписывается все большее значение для мировых...
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This study analyzes the domestic price effects of export controls for all 3 KRU countries during the global commodity price peaks. We develop two indicators to measure the strength of the export controls’ price damping and price insulating effect within a non-linear long-run price transmission...
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We analyze how the governmental market interventions during the commodity price peaks 2007/2008 and 2010/2011 have affected the transmission of price changes along the wheat-to-bread supply chain in Serbia. We aim to investigate if consumers benefitted from the wheat and flour export...
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We analyze how the governmental market interventions during the commodity price peaks 2007/2008 and 2010/2011 have affected the transmission of price changes along the wheat-to-bread supply chain in Serbia. We aim to investigate if consumers benefitted from the wheat and flour export...
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