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The present paper considers the testing of unit root hypothesis for an autoregressive model with polynomial trend under Bayesian framework. Under the unit root hypothesis the trend component does not vanish completely and its degree reduces by one. The posterior odds ratio for the unit root...
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The present article considers Bayesian unit root test for autoregressive model involving structural break in variance. The posterior odds ratio for testing of unit root hypothesis against the alternative of break in variance has been derived under appropriate prior assumptions for the...
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India is currently one of the fastest growing major economies in the world. Sustaining a high growth rate is believed to be critical for India to alleviate poverty in the country, since it feeds more than a billion people. Energy, being a key enabler of a country’s economic growth and...
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India is the world’s third largest consumer of energy. It is widely acknowledged that the role of energy efficiency (EE) in reducing India’s carbon dioxide emissions and improving energy security is critical. Achieving the overarching goal of increasing EE in South Asia would be enabled by a...
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The Ministry of Power, Government of India, defines Demand Side Management (DSM) as ‘actions of a Distribution Licensee (Utility), beyond the customer's meter, with the objective of altering the end-use of electricity - whether it is to increase demand, decrease it, shift it between high and...
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Flexible automation in the form of robotic couriers holds the potential for decreasing operating costs while improving delivery performance in hospital delivery systems. This paper discusses the use of simulation modeling to analyze the costs, benefits, and performance tradeoffs related to the...
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Biomass is a geographically dependent renewable resource which can be used for production of fuels and chemicals. This study develops a methodology for determining the suitable locations, optimal sizes and number of biomass-based facilities for a particular region through transport cost...
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