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This paper discusses methodological aspects of equity valuation (stock pricing) in the context of continuous-time finance. The special emphasis of this study is to provide a framework and explicit formulas for the balance-sheet itemization of the product line contributions to the welfare of the...
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While strong shareholder control benefits the firm by preventing Free-Cash-Flow problems in the good state of business cycles, it is costly to the firm in exacerbating the Conflict-of-Interest problem between shareholders and creditors in the bad state. Investigating how firm financial policies...
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This paper reexamines MM's dividend and capital structure irrelevance theorems, refuting the first and confirming the latter from the inside out framework. The paper cooperates with Garry and Linda DeAngelo's papers on the irrelevance of the MM's dividend irrelevance theorem and refutes...
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Both market timing and investment-based theories of corporate financing predict underperformance after firms raise capital, but only market timing predicts that the composition of financing (equity compared to debt) should also forecast returns. In cross-sectional tests, we find that the amount...
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This paper deals with the problem of the financial valuation of a firm and its shares of stock with general financing policies in a partial equilibrium framework. The model assumes a time-dependent discount rate and a general stochastic environment in a discrete-time setting. the fundamental...
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This paper provides a rigorous mathematical treatment of the problem of valuation of a firm in a deterministic, partial equilibrium framework. It is shown that the dividend and arbitrage approaches to valuation are not equivalent in general. A necessary and sufficient condition for their...
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We take a simple q-theory model and ask how well it can explain external financing anomalies, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our central insight is that optimal investment is an important driving force of these anomalies. The model simultaneously reproduces procyclical equity issuance...
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The neoclassical q-theory is a good start to understand the cross section of returns. Under constant return to scale, stock returns equal levered investment returns that are tied directly with characteristics. This equation generates the relations of average returns with book-to-market,...
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We use a fully-specified neoclassical model augmented with costly external equity as a laboratory to study the relations between stock returns and equity financing decisions. Simulations show that the model can simultaneously and in many cases quantitatively reproduce: procyclical equity issuance;...
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The q-theory implies that investment is a first-order determinant of the cross section of expected returns, and that optimal investment drives the external financing anomalies. Our neoclassical model simultaneously and in many cases quantitatively reproduces: Procyclical equity issuance waves;...
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