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(Re)insurance companies need to model their liabilities' portfolio to compute the risk-adjusted capital (RAC) needed to … frameworks of both Solvency II and the Swiss Solvency Test, we deal with two risk measures: the Value-at-Risk and the expected … choice of the risk measure. …
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The type of risk that poses the greatest danger to the profitability of commercial banks is credit risk. In simplified … of likelihood, how the risk is distributed among sub-portfolios compiled according to various criteria, and how the … individual loans contribute to the total portfolio risk. The first step towards answering this is to devise an economic model …
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Es werden die mathematischen Einflussgrößen risikobehafteter Investments auf die Vermögensentwicklung analysiert. Danach muss bei solchen Anlagen das Verhältnis Gewinn/Verlust einen berechenbaren Mindestbetrag ausmachen und die Anlagehöhe darf in Prozent vom Vermögen einen bestimmten Wert...
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An important question in international finance is to what extent stock return volatility is influenced by country location, industry affiliation, and global factors. This Paper develops a new methodology to measure these effects, in which portfolios mimicking ‘pure’ country and industry...
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limited amount of risk. Segregated Funds, which are, simply put, mutual funds with additional features, have grown in …
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This paper introduces a notion on nonlinear innovation for the ananlysis of nonlinear dynamics. We show that nonlinear processes can be represented as functions of current and lagged values of nonlinear innovations.
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We provide a Matlab quadratic optimization tool based on Markowitz's critical line algorithm that significantly outperforms standard software packages and a recently developed operations research algorithm. As an illustration: For a 2000 asset universe our method needs less than a second to...
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Minimum market transparency requirements impose hedge fund (HF) managers to use the statement declared strategy in practice. However each declared strategy may actually origin a multiplicity of implemented management decisions. Is then the quot;actual quot;strategy the same as the...
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Time reversal invariance can be sumarised as follows: no difference can be measured if a sequence of events is run forward or backward in time. Because price time series are dominated by a randomness that hides possible structures and orders, the existence of time reversal invariance requires...
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