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This paper explores some recent challenges for the inflation targeting. The circumstances are different for the emerging market countries and for the industrialized ones. In many emerging market countries the central banks adopted more or less formally the inflation targeting, in order to gain...
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Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat im Februar 2014 seine Entscheidung zum Beschluss der Europäischen Zentralbank zum OMT … lediglich über die technische Frage der erlaubten Instrumente der Europäischen Zentralbank entschieden zu haben. Doch auf dem …
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Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) begründet ihr »Outright-Monetary-Trans­actions«-Programm (OMT-Programm) offiziell mit … der Eurozone trotz der massiven Herabsetzung der Leitzinsen nahezu kaum gesunken sind. Ziel des OMT-Programms ist es …
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Seit mehr als einem Jahr ist der Preisanstieg im Euroraum im Trend rückläufig. Angesichts der geringen Inflationsrate wird über ein mögliches Abrutschen in eine Deflation diskutiert. Wie groß ist diese Gefahr und wie sollte die EZB reagieren? Das wahrscheinlichere Szenario der nächsten...
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1. Regulatory reasons for the crisis <br>2. Refinancing credit and Target balances <br>2.1 Target balances <br>2.2 Target balances and fiscal rescue credit <br>2.3 The lowering of collateral standards for refinancing credit <br>2.4 Indirect state financing via refinancing credit to commercial banks <br>3. ECB...
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We examine Lars E O Svensson's prominent critique of the monetary policy of the Sveriges Riksbank (the Swedish central bank) from 1995-2012. Our main objection concerns Svensson's conclusion that the original pre-Friedman/Phelps version of the Phillips curve based on constant inflation...
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There is a growing interest in studying the disagreement of economic agents. Most studies, however, focus on the disagreement regarding one specific variable, hereby neglecting that disagreement may be comoving with disagreement on other variables. In this paper we explore to which extent...
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There is a growing interest in studying the disagreement of economic agents. Most studies, however, focus on the disagreement regarding one specific variable, hereby neglecting that disagreement may be comoving with disagreement on other variables. In this paper we explore to which extent...
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This study is motivated by the recent increase in volatility of both inflation and inflation expectations, triggered initially by the surge in commodity prices and more recently by the global economic crisis. While inflation uncertainty rose only moderately in response to the commodity and...
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In this paper we explore the degree of anchoring of consumers’ long-run inflation expectations. If expectations are firmly anchored, short- and long-run expectations should show no comovement in response to transitory shocks. Utilizing the University of Michigan Survey of Consumer’s rotating...
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