Showing 1 - 10 of 212
There is an emerging consensus in empirical finance that realized volatility series typically display long range dependence with a memory parameter (d) around 0.4 (Andersen et al. (2001), Martens et al. (2004)). The present paper provides some analytical explanations for this evidence and shows...
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This paper overviews maximum likelihood and Gaussian methods of estimating continuous time models used in finance. Since the exact likelihood can be constructed only in special cases, much attention has been devoted to the development of methods designed to approximate the likelihood. These...
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A model of price determination is proposed that incorporates flat trading features into an efficient price process. The model involves the superposition of a Brownian semimartingale process for the efficient price and a Bernoulli process that determines the extent of flat price trading. A limit...
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A new methodology is proposed to estimate theoretical prices of financial contingent-claims whose values are dependent on some other underlying financial assets. In the literature the preferred choice of estimator is usually maximum likelihood (ML). ML has strong asymptotic justification but is...
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In continuous time specifications, the prices of interest rate derivative securities depend crucially on the mean reversion parameter of the associated interest rate diffusion equation. This parameter is well known to be subject to estimation bias when standard methods like maximum likelihood...
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This paper proposes a Gaussian estimator for nonlinear continuous time models of the short term interest rate. The approach is based on a stopping time argument that produces a normalizing transformation facilitating the use of a Gaussian likelihood. A Monte Carlo study shows that the finite...
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In a simple model composed of a structural equation and identity, the finite sample distribution of the IV/LIML estimator is always bimodal and this is most apparent when the concentration parameter is small. Weak instrumentation is the energy that feeds the secondary mode and the coefficient in...
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Nonparametric estimation of a structural cointegrating regression model is studied. As in the standard linear cointegrating regression model, the regressor and the dependent variable are jointly dependent and contemporaneously correlated. In nonparametric estimation problems, joint dependence is...
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In this note, we discuss the Kolmogrov and Erdös test for self-normalized sums. Some general results are obtained.
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In this paper, we obtain the optimal rate of convergence in the central limit theorem for m-dependent U-statistics under mild conditions, which is similar to that in the independent rv's.
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