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In this paper, we propose a hidden Markov switching moving average model (MS-MA model) to extend the moving average model when the dynamic process of stock returns is predictable. That is, hidden Markov chain can be utilized to better describe the stock return dynamics when moving averages are...
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The recent global financial crisis reveals the important role of internal liquidity risk in corporate credit risk. However, few existing studies investigate its effects on bond yield spreads. Panel data for the period from year 1993 through 2008 show that corporate internal liquidity risk...
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Using data from the Tokyo Stock Exchange, we study how beta, size, and ratio of book to market equity (BE/ME) account for the cross-section of expected stock returns over different lengths of investment horizons. We find that $\beta$, adjusted for infrequent trading or not, fails to explain the...
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This paper investigates the effect of house money on the risk taking behavior of individual investors. When gains are more substantial, individuals tend to take greater risk. The house money effect seems to decline over time because the propensity for risk taking following gains is diminished...
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This paper highlights a concern for a link possibly missing in the traditional justification of the signaling hypothesis of open-market repurchases (OMRs). To recover the missing link, we employ the order-level data for the Taiwan stock market to contrast the order submission behaviors among...
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