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This paper compares a number of different approaches for determining the Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES …
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Using the TASS database, we aim to study 26 emerging markets hedge funds' behaviour during the Asian currency crisis of 1997. In the first part of our work, we develop a multifactor model in order to estimate emerging markets hedge funds' exposures during the February 1995 - December 1999...
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We examine the role of financial analysts in forming institutional investors' investment decisions. In our model, a fund manager invests in a stock based on the optimal weighting of reports created by a biased sell-side analyst and an unbiased buy-side analyst. The manager puts a higher weight...
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This paper reviews and analyzes five areas relating to closed-end funds. (1) Issues relating to the existence of closed-funds and why rational investors subscribe to new issues of them. A detailed set of model assumptions is examined in order to understand the basis for closed-end funds coming...
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This article examines causality relationships between institutional investors and stock market development based on the panel data compiled from 23 OECD countries for the years 1982 through 2000. In order to test causality relationship, Sims' causality test based on Granger definition of...
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We compare institutional execution costs across the major U.S. exchanges using a sample of institutional equity orders in firms that switch exchanges. Execution costs including commissions are essentially indistinguishable across these exchanges. We also find the fraction of trading volume from...
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For emerging market hedge funds, funding through the yen carry trade provides the possibility of enhancing returns by funding in a low coupon currency. This study examines whether emerging market hedge funds are exposed to the value of the Japanese yen and whether this is the key exposure...
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International bond funds are important institutional investors in emerging markets and their asset allocation decisions have significant implications for bond market developments and debt management policies in developing countries. This paper studies emerging market bond holdings of...
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Hedge funds and other private equity funds are aggressive monitors of corporate America. Their investment strategies are designed to squeeze agency costs and other inefficiencies out of under performing companies. Mutual funds and public pension funds, by contrast, have remained relentlessly...
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Mutual funds are owned by almost half of all U.S. households, manage nearly $12 trillion dollars in assets, and have become a primary vehicle for retirement and investment savings in the United States. Who are mutual fund investors? The answer is critical to regulatory policy for the mutual fund...
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