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A common way to determine values of travel time and schedule delay is to estimate departure time choice models, using stated preference (SP) or revealed preference (RP) data. The latter are used less frequently, mainly because of the difficulties to collect the data required for the model...
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-wide discrete choice experiment among 711 potential car buyers. We estimate consumers’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) and contingent …
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We estimate a discrete-continuous model of vehicle demand and use for the Belgian region of Flanders, combining the results of the official regional travel survey with a detailed database of vehicle characteristics. The overall predictive value of the submodel predicting the number of vehicles...
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short-run choices of departure times, using data from a real-life peak avoidance experiment. We find that participants value …
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This paper compares parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric methods in prediction of bankruptcy. Special care is devoted to the effect of choice-based sampling. The choice of the sampling and estimation method lead to a similar trade off. Using choice-based sampling and logit model leads...
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We model reject inference - inferring how a rejected credit applicant would have behaved had it been granted credit - using a maximum likelihood approach within the framework of missing data analysis. Contrary to other methods that impute missing data, this reject inference method embeds the...
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which a randomized experiment has been implemented and allows us to identify the effect of the conditional cash transfer …
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This paper considers the evaluation of the average treatment effect of a binary endogenous regressor on a binary outcome when one imposes a threshold crossing model on both the endogenous regressor and the outcome variable but without imposing parametric functional form or distributional...
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François Laisney, Michael Lechner and Winfried Pohlmeier This paper presents an extension of Chamberlain's approach to modelling correlated random effects in a dichotomous model estimated on panel data. The extension consists in relaxing the arbitrary normality assumption made on all error...
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En este documento se analiza la transferencia de capital humano a nivel regional para de esta manera asociar la migración con los niveles de desarrollo de las regiones. La primera parte del estudio captura las características de los migrantes de las ocho regiones del país a través de un...
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