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Urbanisation in China has long been held back by various restrictions on land and internal migration but has taken off since the 1990s, as these impediments started to be gradually relaxed. People have moved in large numbers to richer cities, where productivity is higher and has increased...
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Using a natural experiment from Germany, we show that temporary place-based subsidies generate persistent effects on economic density. We identify employment and capital formation as main channels for higher income per square kilometer. As the spatial regression discontinuity design allows us to...
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We study how fiscal policies and commuting costs determine the geographical distribution of workers and households in an economy. We characterize equilibrium outcomes in a simple two-region model with commuting costs, local public goods, and local infrastructure. We also provide a short survey...
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Volume 13 of the EIB Papers contains the results of the 2008 EIB Conference on "Infrastructure investment, growth and cohesion". Issue 1 discusses the volume, composition, determinants and growth effects of government and infrastructure investment and highlights the economic cost of funds and...
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We study congestion pricing by a government that has redistributive concerns, in the presence of optimal income taxation. Individuals differ in (unobservable) earning ability and consumption technology for commodities using a congestible network (e.g. roads, Internet). We find, assuming...
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Im Zeitraum 1992 bis 2005 waren die öffentlichen nfrastrukturinvestitionen in Deutschland rückläufig, danach stiegen sie wieder leicht an. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, ob es sich bei dem Rückgang um eine für entwickelte Volkswirtschaften wie Deutschland typische und deshalb...
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This paper develops a framework for making decisions on the type of infrastructure to build and where to build. The Basic intuition is that by deriving the marginal physical products of installed infrastructure, we can prioritize infrastructure investment of the same type among regions, and of...
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In this paper, we discuss the possible effects of Poland's accession to the European Union (EU) on the economic development of the Polish eastern border regions. In accordance with the theoretical previsions, economic integration may have a great impact on the spatial allocation of economic...
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We analyse impacts that infrastructure provision and other factors have on long run urban growth. Reflecting spatial equilibrium insights, growing cities have preferred attributes relative to other cities. These attributes may include natural characteristics, social amenities and transport...
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We examine the empirical relationship between public investment and per capita income growth in the Spanish regions over 1965-1997. Using a neoclassical growth model with public and human capital, a convergence equation is derived and estimated using panel data techniques. Besides providing...
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