Showing 1 - 10 of 20
We investigate the asymptotic validity of the bootstrap for Durbin-Wu-Hausman (DWH) tests of exogeneity in linear IV regressions, with or without identification. Our analysis of the properties (size and power) of the proposed bootstrap tests provides some new insights and extensions of earlier...
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We provide a generalization of the Anderson–Rubin (AR) procedure for inference on parameters that represent the dependence between possibly endogenous explanatory variables and disturbances in a linear structural equation (endogeneity parameters). We stress the distinction between regression...
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We focus on the classical linear simultaneous equations models and study the sensitivity to instrument endogeneity of six alternative versions of Durbin-Wu-Hausman (DWH) tests of exogeneity. To address this issue, we consider two setups for instrument endogeneity: (i) fixed instrument...
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We empirically analyze the trend characteristics of per capita CO2 emissions in OECD countries from 1971 to 2009. We use a statistically robust procedure, which is valid regardless of whether per capita CO2 emissions are trend stationary or contain a stochastic trend, to test for the presence of...
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We provide a generalization of the Anderson-Rubin (AR) procedure for inference on parameters which represent the dependence between possibly endogenous explanatory variables and disturbances in a linear structural equation (endogeneity parameters). We focus on second-order dependence and stress...
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We study the asymptotic validity of the bootstrap for Durbin–Wu–Hausman tests of exogeneity, with or without identification. We provide an analysis of the limiting distributions of the proposed bootstrap statistics under both the null hypothesis of exogeneity (size) and the alternative...
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We provide a generalization of the Anderson-Rubin (AR) procedure for inference on parameters which represent the dependence between possibly endogenous explanatory variables and disturbances in a linear structural equation (endogeneity parameters). We focus on second-order dependence and stress...
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We empirically analyse the trend characteristics of per capita CO<sub>2</sub> emissions in OECD countries from 1971 to 2009. We use a statistically robust procedure, which is valid regardless of whether per capita CO<sub>2</sub> emissions are trend stationary or contain a stochastic trend, to test for the presence of...
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This paper investigates the asymptotic size properties of robust subset tests when instruments are left out of the analysis. Recently, robust subset procedures have been developed for testing hypotheses which are specified on the subsets of the structural parameters or on the parameters...
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This paper investigates the asymptotic validity of the bootstrap for Durbin-WuHausman (DWH) specification tests when instrumental variables (IVs) may be arbitrary weak. It is shown that under strong identification, the bootstrap offers a better approximation than the usual asymptotic 2...
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