Showing 1 - 6 of 6
manifestation of poverty. Three hypotheses of scientific research formulated by the author of this Thesis were proved: the first one …
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comprehensive analysis of notion of poverty was carried out, the relation between inequality of income and poverty was evaluated and … drawbacks of criteria for poverty assessment were revealed. A model system of income redistribution was created, essential means … of reducing income inequality and poverty as well as the problem of their efficiency were distinguished and trends of …
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This paper empirically investigates and identifies the main contributing factors to output and productivity growth in Australia for the period 1950-2005. Cointegration and a vector error-correction model are used along with Granger causality tests, impulse response functions and forecast error...
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Magistro darbu siekiama apibūdinti tiesioginių užsienio investicijų įtaka regionų plėtrai bei ekonominei situacijai Lietuvoje. Mokslinės literatūros, atliktų tyrimų, teisės aktų analizė parodė, kad yra daug priežasčių skatinančių siekti kaip įmanoma didesnio tiesioginių...
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Šiame darbe nagrinėjama kokie pagrindiniai makroekonominiai rodikliai stipriausiai įtakoja ekonomikos augimą. Ekonomikos augimas čia matuojamas bendrojo vidaus produkto augimu. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių ekonomikos augimo veiksnių teoriniai ir...
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This paper empirically investigates and identifies the main contributing factors to output and productivity growth in Australia for the period 1950-2005. Cointegration and a vector error-correction model are used along with Granger causality tests, impulse response functions and forecast error...
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