Showing 1 - 10 of 135
This paper incorporates interdisciplinary New Institutional Economics and suggests a holistic framework for assessing the forms and efficiency of environmental management in agriculture. First, it defines environmental management as a specific system of social order regulating behaviour and...
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This paper suggests a holistic framework for assessing farm competitiveness, and analyses competitiveness of different type of Bulgarian farms. First, it present a new approach for assessing farm competitiveness defining farm competitiveness and its three criteria (efficiency, adaptability and...
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This paper presents major environmental challenges in Bulgarian agriculture, and identifies and assesses specific modes for environmental governance in farming sector, and estimate prospects for changing environmental performance of farms in conditions of EU integration and Common Agricultural...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Настоящото изследване адаптира холистичен интердисциплинарен подход за анализ, оценка и усъвършенстване на системата за управление на услугите на...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Разработката е отчет от втори етап на научно-изследователски проект „Управление на услугите на агроекосистемите“, финансиран от Селскостопанска...
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The issue of understanding, analyzing and assessing the governance of ecosystem services in general, agro-ecosystem services in particular, is among the most topical academic and practical (policies and business forwarded) tasks. Despite the growing importance and interests in that new area, in...
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The issue of utilization of sludge from wastewater treatment in agriculture is an important socio-economic and environmental problem in the European Union and Bulgaria. Its significance is determined by the fact that the amount of sludge formed is constantly growing, as the annual amount of...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Въпросът за оползотворяване на утайките от пречистването на отпадъчни води в земеделието е важен социално-икономически и екологически проблем в...
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This study is a part of the research project on “Eco-management in agriculture” funded by the Agricultural Academy with period of implementation 2013-2014. This report summarizes the results of the first year and includes: - state of the studies in the area; - theoretical and methodological...
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In this paper we incorporate interdisciplinary New Institutional and Transaction Costs Economics (combining Economics, Organization, Law, Sociology, Behavioral and Political Sciences), and suggest a framework for analysis of mechanisms of governance of agro-ecosystem services. Firstly, we...
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