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The goal of the present paper is to evaluate the status of the protection of consumer right to information before the purchase from Romanian online stores. The perspective focuses on technical consumer goods. The research pursued two major objectives. The former consisted in analysing the...
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The goal of the present paper is to evaluate the status of the protection of consumer right to information before the purchase from Romanian online stores. The perspective focuses on technical consumer goods. The research pursued two major objectives. The former consisted in analysing the...
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The logistics information system is part of the information system of the organization that is integrated in the supply chain and is correlated with the partner organizations. An effective logistics information system ensures communication on two levels, between organizations and within the...
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The major goal of the paper consists in designing new communication strategies for the School of Marketing of the Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest, Romania. This strategic approach is focused on the communication strategies with the high school graduates who are the future candidates...
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Supply Chain Execution (SCE) software solutions represent an attractive market for both application providers and users. The paper refers to the characteristics of the SCE market and focuses on the warehouse management systems (WMS). The main features and functions of the WMS are addressed. The...
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Acronimul CRM a intrat relativ recent in limbajul decidentilor si specialistilor de marketing. Anii '90 au marcat tranzitia de la marketingul tranzactional la marketingul relational. Astfel, orientarea axata pe realizarea unui numar cat mai mare de tranzactii pe termen scurt a inceput sa fie...
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Specialistii de marketing considera dezvoltarea relatiilor cu clientii o parghie majora a dezvoltarii durabile a organizatiei. Managementul relatiilor cu clientii presupune schimbarea radicala a activitatii si strategiilor organizatiei, in raport cu evolutia traditionala. De la stadiul in care...
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The interviewer is a major source of errors in surveys, besides the researcher and the respondent. This situation is specific to the types of surveys that rely on the abilities and the activities of the interviewer, such as the street/mall-intercept, the survey at the respondent’ home or the...
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Protectia datelor personale reprezinta unul dintre cele mai actuale subiecte din domeniul cercetarilor de marketing, in general, si cel al cercetarilor in mediul online, in special. Principalele aspecte la care se refera articolul sunt urmatoarele: evolutia pe plan international a cercetarilor...
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The mechanical observation provides researchers with valuable information relative to aspects such as: the intensity of the flows of persons/objects; characteristics of the individual or group behavior; individual emotions; intensity of preference; physiological reactions; media audience; reading...
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