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This article studies whether immigration in voter's neighborhoods is a driving factor of the rise of Germany's major right-wing party Alternative fuer Deutschland (AFD) and the decline of Angela Merkel's center ruling party the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). We use the 2015 refugee crisis as...
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Following the 2015 refugee influx, recent studies have found that around one in four companies have hired refugees. A survey of 100 companies that hired refugees shows that hiring refugees can increase employee satisfaction, improve reputations, and positively affect corporate developments. At...
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Nach der im Jahr 2015 verstärkt einsetzenden Zuwanderung Geflüchteter hat jüngsten Studien zufolge etwa jedes vierte Unternehmen in Deutschland Geflüchtete eingestellt. Laut einer Umfrage unter 100 Unternehmen mit Erfahrung in der Integration von Geflüchteten hat die Einstellung...
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During the 2000s, several states adopted laws requiring employers to verify new employees' eligibility to work legally in the USA. This study uses data from the 2005-2014 American Community Survey to examine how such laws affect unauthorized immigrants' locational choices. The results indicate...
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Many immigrant destination countries face considerable pressure to change their immigration policies. One of the most innovative policies is auctioning the right to immigrate or to hire a foreign worker to the highest bidders. Visa auctions would be more efficient than current ways of allocating...
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