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This paper delevops a tools to analyse the ordering of concordance of random vectors.
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This papfer deals with distributional free inference to test for positive quadrant dependence, i.e. for the probability that two variables are simultaneously small (or large) being at least as great as it would be were they dependent.
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Financial crisis an insurance, Ten consequences for Risk Management and Supervision, Conclusion regarding an IGF...
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The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of capital and risk transfer instruments on diversification and insolvency risk in a parent-subsidiary relationship. To better assess the effects, we compare this setting to the case of a holding company and an integrated financial group. In the...
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using different copula concepts under certain distributionalassumptions. Our results show that even if financial groups with …
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Die aktuellen EU-Solvabilitätsvorschriften sind seit ihrer Einführung in den Jahren1973 (Nichtlebensversicherungen) und 1979 (Lebensversicherungsunternehmen)Gegenstand massiver Kritik.1 Ein zentraler Kritikpunkt resultiert aus derTatsache, dass sich die EU-Solvabilitätsregeln lediglich am...
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In this paper, we consider a décision-maker facing a financial risk flanked by a backgroundrisk, possibly non-financial, such as health or environmental risk. A decision has to be madeabout the amount of an investment (in the financial dimension) resulting in a future benefiteither in the same...
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In his paper we introduce a quantile-based risk measure for multivariate financial positions: the vector-valued Tail-conditional-expectation (T CE). We adopt the framework proposed by Jouini, Meddeb, and Touzi [9] to deal with multi-assets portfolios when one accounts for frictions in the...
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We study the problem of finding the minimal initial capital needed in order to hedge without risk a barrier option when the vector of proportions of wealth invested in each risky asset is constraint to lie in a closed convex domain...
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