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The Rural/Urban-North/South Model (RUNS) is a global applied general equilibrium model, with a focus on agriculture. RUNS was initially developed in the early 1980's and has been used throughout the 1980's to provide analyses of world agricultural trends and agricultural policies. Amongst other...
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This paper presents an assessment of the results of Brady plans for debtor countries which have implemented such agreements (Costa Rica, Mexico, the Philippines, Uruguay and Venezuela). First, we show that the relatively successful Mexican case cannot be generalized, due to the great diversity...
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The practice of environmental regulation and assessment in developing countries faces many special challenges. Apart from popular misconceptions about negative links between environmentalism and economic growth, there are numerous practical limitations to appraising environmental conditions and...
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This paper presents a brief introduction to the OECD GREEN Model. The GREEN model has been developed by the OECD Secretariat in order to assess the economic impact of abating CO2 emissions using several different economic instruments. The paper is divided into two parts. The first provides a...
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Ce document présente les différentes mesures d'allégement de la dette dont le Mali a bénéficié dans les années récentes. L'accent est mis en particulier sur l'allégement obtenu au Club de Paris selon les termes de Toronto, dont le Mali à été le premier bénéficiaire, en octobre...
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This paper examines the relationship between household structures, the institutions that shape them and physical and human capital accumulation using household and individual data from China, Indonesia, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. Household structures differ greatly across countries and are very...
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Ce document technique présente les résultats d'une recherche menée en vue de définir et d'expliquer le partage du fardeau de la crise de la dette entre les différents créanciers. L'interaction entre les créanciers, qui se manifeste en premier lieu dans ce partage du fardeau, est un...
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The environmental impacts of economic activity have become an increasingly urgent concern in both OECD Member countries, as well as in non-Member countries. Research in this area is still in its infancy, and the data required to buttress analytical studies is still sparse. This paper describes...
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High quality institutions lower transaction costs, encourage trust, reinforce property rights and avoid the exclusion of sections of the population. Overcoming institutional bottlenecks that constrain entrepreneurial activities and the development of the private sector is a prerequisite for...
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. Les dépenses militaires mondiales représentaient 950 milliards de dollars en 1990-1991. Cette facture pourrait être réduite de plus de 300 milliards d'ici l'an 2000. . Des dépenses militaires excessives compromettent l'avenir des pays en développement. . Améliorer la transparence des...
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