Showing 1 - 10 of 13
This paper explores semi-monotonicity constraints in the distribution of potential outcomes, first, conditional on an instrument, and second, in terms of the response function. The imposed assumptions are strictly weaker than traditional instrumental variables assumptions and can be gainfully...
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Much progress has been made in recent years in developing and applying a direct measure of utility using survey questions on satisfaction with income and with life in general. In this paper we apply this new type of measurement to the study of money illusion. Using data from the German...
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Empirical studies on the relationship between income and happiness commonly use standard ordered response models, the most well-known representatives being the ordered logit and the ordered probit. However, these models restrict the marginal probability effects by design, and therefore limit the...
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The credibility of standard instrumental variables assumptions is often under dispute. This paper imposes weak monotonicity in order to gain information on counterfactual outcomes, but avoids independence or exclusion restrictions. The outcome process is assumed to be sequentially ordered,...
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Increasing evidence from the empirical economic and psychological literature suggests that positive and negative well-being are more than opposite ends of the same phenomenon. Two separate measures of the dependent variable may be needed when analyzing the determinants of subjective well-being....
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Recent advances in the econometric modelling of count data have often been based on the generalized method of moments (GMM). However, the two-step GMM procedure may perform poorly in small samples, and several empirical likelihood-based estimators have been suggested alternatively. In this paper...
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In October 2003, a new flight regime was introduced at Zurich airport that significantly changed the levels of noise pollution in surrounding communities. We investigate the impact of the new flight policy on apartment prices using a hedonic price model and a non-linear difference-in-differences...
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High parental income, while undeniably causing beneÞts for a child in terms of better access to education and more favorable labor market outcomes, may at the same time increase a childÕs income aspirations and thereby reduce Þnancial satisfaction, ceteris paribus. In this paper, we...
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This paper deals with the identification of treatment effects when the outcome variable is ordered. If outcomes are measured ordinally, previously developed methods to investigate the impact of an endogenous binary regressor on average outcomes cannot be applied as the expectation of an ordered...
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As previously argued, the correlation between included and omitted regressors generally causes inconsistency of standard estimators for count data models. Using a specific residual function and suitable instruments, a consistent generalized method of moments estimator can be obtained under...
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