Showing 1 - 10 of 83
Die Subventionen in Deutschland sind Gegenstand intensiver wirtschaftspolitischer Auseinandersetzungen. Der vorliegende Beitrag informiert über das Ausmaß der Subventionen. Zu den Subventionen werden neben den Steuervergünstigungen die Finanzhilfen gezählt, die der Bund, die Länder, die...
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Subsidization policy is intensively discussed in Germany. The paper demonstrates the extent of subsidization in Germany. Subsidies are defined as the sum of tax expenditures and those government expenditures which distort the structure of the economy; financial aid is granted to different...
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Die Subventionen in Deutschland sind Gegenstand intensiver wirtschaftspolitischer Auseinandersetzungen. Zu den Subventionen zählen neben den Steuervergünstigungen die Finanzhilfen, die der Bund, die Länder, die Gemeinden, aber auch die Europäische Union gewähren. Die Abgrenzung der...
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Subsidies granted by the German federal government decreased in the 1998–2004 period. Since 2005, subsidies have increased. The transfers to the compulsory health insurance system were raised by very large amounts. Moreover, the subsidies for re-integrating the unemployed were raised. The...
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Subsidies granted by the German federal government decreased in the 1998–2004 period. Since 2005, subsidies have increased. The transfers to the compulsory health insurance system were raised by very large amounts. Moreover, the subsidies for re-integrating the unemployed were raised. The...
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Subsidies granted by the German federal government decreased in the 1998–2004 period. Since 2005, subsidies have increased. The transfers to the compulsory health insurance system were raised by very large amounts. Moreover, the subsidies for re-integrating the unemployed were raised. The...
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Subsidization policy is intensively discussed in Germany. Subsidies comprise by definition tax expenditures and those government expenditures which distort the structure of the economy; financial aid is granted to different branches by the EU, the federal government, the states (Länder) and the...
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It is argued that the German system of supporting low wage income earners by government transfers gives incentives for employers and employees to contract low wages and then to exploit the government. The paper analyses if such incentives do exist. It turns out that this is the case under...
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Die Empfänger von Arbeitslosengeld II werden bei Arbeitsaufnahme oder bei einer Ausweitung ihres Arbeitseinsatzes hoch besteuert. Die marginale Belastung erreicht bis zu 100 Prozent. Zum einen werden ab bestimmten Lohnhöhen Lohnsteuer, Solidaritätszuschlag und Sozialversicherungsbeiträge...
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Due to labor market reforms in Germany some years ago, the incentives to work changed. The paper analyzes the effects on the reservation wages for specific groups. It is assumed that reservation wages are determined by the replacement rates implied by the system of unemployment benefits and by...
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