Showing 1 - 10 of 25
In der Diskussion über die Fortführung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik nach 2014 spielen die entkoppelten Direktzahlungen eine dominierende Rolle. Während sich die Debatte innerhalb der EU vor allem um die langfristige Begründung solcher Direktzahlungen dreht, steht aus Sicht der...
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In der Diskussion über die Fortführung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik nach 2014 spielen die entkoppelten Direktzahlungen eine dominierende Rolle. Während sich die Debatte innerhalb der EU vor allem um die langfristige Begründung solcher Direktzahlungen dreht, steht aus Sicht der...
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With the rise and consolidation of modern supply chains, literature has put emphasis on the welfare effects for participating small producers but has often considered these effects through the comparison of participating producers with those not participating at all. Using an endogenous...
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The 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural policy of the European Union introduced decoupled income transfers as the most prominent policy instrument. However, member states were given substantial discretion over the degree and timing of the reform implementation. As a result, different...
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Non-tariff measures such as food safety standards are used to achieve the non-trade objective of protecting consumers' health and safety. However, they can also be used as a trade protection tool to drive a price wedge between domestic and foreign producers. This study investigates the...
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The 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural policy of the European Union introduced decoupled income transfers as the most prominent policy instrument. However, member states were given substantial discretion over the degree and timing of the reform implementation. As a result, different...
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Die Staats- und Regierungschefs hatten beim G8-Gipfel am 16./17. Juli 2006 in St. Petersburg vereinbart, bis Mitte August die Einigung über die Eckpunkte der Marktöffnung im Agrar- und Industriegüterhandel nachzuholen. Dennoch wurden die Verhandlungen im Rahmen der "Doha Development Agenda"...
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With increasing global agrifood trade, private food standards and certifications have proliferated. Yet, their trade effects remain ambiguous. We provide further empirical evidence by assessing the effect of GlobalGAP certification on agrifood exports to high-value markets in EU and OECD...
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Large chocolate manufacturers have committed themselves to only using certifiedcocoa beans and some governments want to increase the share of certified cocoaproducts consumed in their countries. Thus, Voluntary Sustainability Standards(VSSs) become quasi-mandatory for cocoa producers and...
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The empirical evidence that institutional differences across countries affect bilateral trade is robust. The crucial question remains how countries can enhance trade amid these differences. In this paper, we measure the degree to which governance and institutions differ between countries as...
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