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__Abstract__ Current methods in the shipping industry to evaluate performance do not account for differences in fleet profiles of registries such as age, size or ship type and not for bad luck. This can lead to unfair evaluation of enforcement efforts of the international standards. Furthermore,...
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Some applications of the theory of extremal problems to mathematics and economics are made more accessible to non-experts. 1.The following fundamental results are known to all users of mathematical techniques, such as economist, econometricians, engineers and ecologists: the fundamental theorem...
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In deze paper wordt de stelling onderbouwd dat er drie redenen zijn waarom een toepassing van optimaliseringsmethoden overtuigend is: `nut', `inzicht' en `diepte'. Ieder van de drie wordt geillustreerd met eenkarakteristiek voorbeeld: de prijsformule voor opties van Black en Scholes (`nut'), het...
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We consider the classical duality operators for convex objects such as the polar of a convex set containing the origin, the dual norm, the Fenchel-transform of a convex function and the conjugate of a convex cone. We give a new, sharper, unified treatment of the theory of these operators,...
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We consider one of the basic results of functional analysis, the classical theorem of Hahn-Banach. This theorem gives the existence of a continuous linear functional on a given normed vectorspace extending a given continuous linear functional on a subspace with the same norm. In this paper we...
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This paper attempts to extend the notion of duality for convex cones, by basing it on a predescribed conic ordering and a fixed bilinear mapping. This is an extension of the standard definition of dual cones, in the sense that the nonnegativity of the inner-product is replaced by a pre-specified...
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Abstract. The aim of this paper is to make an attempt to justify the main results from Convex Analysis by one elegant tool, the conification method, which consists of three steps: conify, work with convex cones, deconify. It is based on the fact that the standard operations and facts (`the...
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In this paper, we develop various calculus rules for general smooth matrix-valued functions and for the class of matrix convex (or concave) functions first introduced by Loewner and Kraus in 1930s. Then we use these calculus rules and the matrix convex function -log X to study a new notion of...
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In this paper we give a short novel proof of the well-known Lagrange multiplier rule, discuss the sources of the power of this rule and consider several applications of this rule. The new proof does not use the implicit function theorem and combines the advantages of two of the most well-known...
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