Showing 1 - 10 of 64
Fonde sur les donnees de l'Enquete sur les depenses des menages et de l'Enquete sur les depenses des familles qui l'a precedee, le present document traite des revenus relatifs des Canadiens a l'age de la retraite et en age de travailler entre 1969 et 2006, en tenant compte a la fois du revenu...
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Using data from the Survey of Household Spending and from its predecessor, the Survey of Family Expenditures, this paper investigates the relative incomes of retirement-age and working-age Canadians from 1969 to 2006, taking into account both explicit household income and the implicit income...
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Les etablissements exportateurs et ceux sous controle etranger payent-ils mieux leurs travailleurs que les etablissements non exportateurs et ceux sous controle canadien? La presente etude s'appuie sur un ensemble de donnees sur les employeurs et les employes pour determiner s'il y a un avantage...
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Do exporters and foreign-controlled establishments pay their workers higher wages than non-exporters and domestic-controlled establishments? This paper draws on an employer-employee dataset to explore the existence of exporter and foreign-controlled wage premiums in the Canadian manufacturing...
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La presente analyse a pour objectif d?examiner la convergence interprovinciale du revenu au Canada de 1926 a 2011 en utilisant des estimations du revenu du menage disponible par habitant fondees sur les Comptes nationaux. Le revenu du menage disponible est le revenu dont disposent les...
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This analysis examines provincial income convergence in Canada from 1926 to 2011 using National Accounts-based estimates of per capita household disposable income. Household disposable income is the income available for consumption and saving, and is, therefore, closely aligned with material...
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En depit de l'elimination des obstacles tarifaires entre le Canada et les Etats-Unis, le volume des echanges commerciaux entre les deux pays est demeure inferieur a ce a quoi l'on pourrait s'attendre en l'absence de tout obstacle. Si des travaux importants ont ete menes pour evaluer le degre...
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Despite the elimination of tariff barriers between Canada and the United States, the volume of trade between the two countries has been less than would be expected if there were no impediments. While considerable work has been done to gauge the degree of integration between the Canadian and U.S....
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A growing literature has found a positive association between human capital and long-run employment growth across cities. These studies have increased interest in understanding the location choices of university degree-holders, a group often used as a proxy measure of human capital. Based on...
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This paper examines the process by which migrants experience gains in earnings subsequent to migration and, in particular, the advantage that migrants obtain from moving to large, dynamic metropolitan labour markets, using Toronto as a benchmark. There are two potentially distinct patterns to...
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