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Anläßlich eines Symposiums, veranstaltet vom neu gegründeten Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA) in Bonn, legten sechs Ökonomen in einer „Petersberger Erklärung' Thesen zur Arbeitsmarktpolitik vor. Nachfolgend der Wortlaut der Erklärung
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We study the profitability and welfare effects of merger in a strategic trade policy environment. Merger changes the strategic trade policy equilibrium. We show that merger can be profitable and welfare enhancing here, even though it is not profitable in a laissez-faire economy. A key element is...
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Consider a committee that in the past has made a promise not to confiscate the profits from a foreign investor. After the investment has taken place, there is a material benefit if the committee decides to default on the earlier promise. But there are also some small moral costs for those who...
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Competition in some product markets takes the form of a contest. If some firms cooperate in such markets, they must decide how to allocate effort on each of their products and whether to reduce the number of their products in the competition. We show how this decision depends on the convexity...
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In this note we consider the preferences of a profit maximizing firm for international ownership in a world in which firms compete in an international Cournot oligopoly, and in which countries use strategic trade policy. We find that firms prefer national ownership and show that full...
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Merged firms are typically rather complex organizations. Accordingly, me rger has a more profound effect on the structure of a market than simply reducing the number of competitors. We show that this may render horizontal mergers profitable and welfare – improving even if costs are linear. The...
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We study the role of an imbalance in fighting strengths when players bargain in the shadow of conflict. Our experimental results suggest: In a simple bargaining game with an exogenous mediation proposal, the likelihood of conflict is independent of the balance of power. If bargaining involves...
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Against the background of the worldwide financial market and economic crisis, leading German economists urge policymakers to maintain the reform course in labor market policy. The experts warn not to jeopardize the clearly positive effects of the recent reform efforts. The Petersberg Declaration...
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Vor dem Hintergrund der weltweiten Finanzmarkt- und Wirtschaftskrise fordern prominente Ökonomen zum Kurshalten in der deutschen Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik auf. Die Experten legen einen Katalog mit Handlungsempfehlungen vor, der unter anderem die Korrektur falscher Erwerbsanreize...
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We study endogenous group formation in tournaments employing experimental three-player contests. We find that players in endogenously formed alliances cope better with the moral hazard problem in groups than players who are forced into an alliance. Also, players who are committed to expending...
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