Showing 1 - 10 of 21
Een maatschappelijke kosten/baten analyse (KBA) kan ook bij complexe, wereldwijde "wicked" milieuproblemen met grote kennisleemten en onzekerheden van nut zijn. Wel verliest de KBA dan iets van de gebruikelijke functie als rekenmethode. Naarmate de problematiek complexer is en de onzekerheden...
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This paper considers labour supply and demand shocks in a simple flow model of the labour market. We explicitly model the propagation of shocks and the adjustment mechanisms. By way of simulations we explore the extent of labour market hysteresis arising from negative duration dependence and the...
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In dit artikel onderzoeken we of de averechtse effecten van de huidige werkloosheidsverzekeringen kunnen worden omzeild door de WW te vervangen door individuele spaarfondsen. Deze spaarfondsen worden door werknemers opgebouwd uit verplichte stortingen en WW-uitkeringen worden op individuele...
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The economic perspective on values and norms shows that they may bring about externalities for the society as a whole. This possibility of market failure provides a good reason for the government to follow closely the developments in values and norms, and the resulting behaviour in communities...
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In de EMU vormt het arbeidsmarktbeleid het belangrijkste instrumentarium om op nationaal niveau asymmetrische schokken op te vangen. De algemene beleidswens daarbij is om - in overeenstemming met de Lissabon strategie - de arbeidsmarktflexibiliteit te verhogen. Tussen de EMU-lidstaten bestaan...
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This paper models the propagation at the macro level of four types of shocks using the SVAR approach. Time series data for the Netherlands on job creation, job destruction, the number of vacancies and labour supply are used to identify aggregate demand and supply shocks, and reallocation demand...
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The wage level in The Netherlands is, by a large part, determined in collective labour agreements. However, the result of the processes of job destruction, job creation and job-to-job mobility is that workers move from less productive to more productive jobs. Our empirical analysis shows that...
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This paper provides a review of the economic literature on social security systems and of practical experiences with building social security institutions. The focus is on the design of the institutions, and on the complicated relation between social security, economic welfare and economic...
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Between 1982 and 2000, the Netherlands experienced a remarkable economie recovery. Labour participation rose from a European low of 52 percent to the European average of 65 percent. Unemployment decreased from a high of 14 percent to a present-day low of 2% percent, while government finances and...
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This study presents an explorative econometric analysis of the influence of labour market flows on wage formation. It applies the vector cointegration and common trends methodology of Johansen (1995). According to this approach, a combination of the flow of layoffs (flow from employment to...
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