Showing 11 - 20 of 72
This paper describes the results of some stochastic simulation experiments performed on the most updated version of the Italian model. Due to a change in the income accounts system, the model has been completely reestimated using the new quarterly data. It consists of 128 equations, 50 of which...
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With most of the available software packages, estimates of the parameter covariance matrix in a GARCH model are usually obtained from the outer products of the first derivatives of the log-likelihoods (BHHH estimator). However, other estimators could be defined and used, analogous to the...
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Numerical simulation methods can overcome the difficulties and limitations of analytical methods, when analyzing dynamic properties of econometric models.
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It is known that a program loaded into the User Program Area can load, via SVC 202, only programs to be allocated in the Transient Program Area and not programs to be allocated in the same User Program Area. To allow any program to use also this second type function, a procedure is proposed in...
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We show in this paper that the treatment of conditional heteroskedasticity inside nonlinear systems of simultaneous equations is a sufficiently manageable matter for some types of multivariate ARCH error structures. Reparameterization makes it possible to estimate the model by means of the...
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This paper describes some analytic simulation experiments performed on a nonlinear macroeconometric model of the Italian economy. The proposed techniques extend to nonlinear models methods that are available, in the literature, for linear econometric models. The results can be profitably used...
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Starting from a consistent and asymptotically normally distributed structural estimate of a dynamic econometric model, this paper provides an analytical derivation of the asymptotic distribution of spectra and cross spectra of the jointly dependent variables. A numerical example is provided on...
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We consider a simultaneous equation model with two endogenous limited dependent variables (individual wage and reservation wage) characterized by a selection mechanism determining a two-regimes endogenous-switching. We extend the FIML procedure proposed by Poirier-Ruud (1981) for a single...
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Markov Switching models have been successfully applied to many economic problems. The most popular version of these models implies that the change in the state is driven by a Markov Chain and that the state is an exogenous discrete unobserved variable. This hypothesis seems to be too...
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For some structural econometric models, the contribution of the off-diagonal blocks of the coefficients covariance matrix to the asymptotic standard errors of multipliers and forecasts is empirically evaluated.
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